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The buying of a property is a major financial investment, and the closing process is one of the most critical aspects of the entire transaction. At the end of the closing, the property legally becomes yours and buyers will usually walk away with a brand new set of keys. Because buying a residential or commercial space costs a lot of money, a complex network of legal documents are put in place and reviewed by a closing attorney to protect yourself from flaws that could disrupt the purchase or turn into a bad deal.

Working with a Closing Attorney

The role of a closing attorney is to help you navigate these legal documents successfully and complete the necessary research to satisfy the terms of the contract and make everything legal at the state and federal level. The documents can range from deeds to settlement statements. At Rochford Law & Real Estate Title, we work diligently to ensure the handling of these documents are in accordance with state and federal law.

Conducting Title Search

A critical aspect of buying a property includes a title search. The title search provides significant information about the land and building, and highlights any issues that might hinder the transfer of ownership. The title search will reveal potential issues such as outstanding taxes or mortgages, liens, and will address property lines. As closing attorneys, we will review this information and confirm the title is free and clear so you can purchase your new property with confidence. If an issue presents itself, we will guide you on the next actionable steps.

Document and Loan Review

An advantage of working with a trusted closing attorney includes the breadth of involvement. Our responsibility is to you and getting you the best deal possible. Our team of attorneys can review documents and contracts to ensure your closing date and requirements are well within reason. We can also look into loan documentation and disbursement and make professional recommendations about your agreement with your lender contract.

Rochford is Ready to Help

At Rochford Law & Real Estate Title, we can act as both closing agent and fiduciary agent.
Our approach is always professional with a focus on customer service.