Real Estate Attorney
in Nashville, TN
John Rochford’s personal approach to professional Nashville real estate law
services ensure you will get the best possible results.
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Property Condition Disclosure, Property Condition Exemption, Lead Based Paint Disclosure & More
Real Estate
Law Services

Closing Attorney
Buying or selling? Commercial or residential? At Rochford Law and Real Estate Title we provide dedicated and attentive service to get your property closed with ease. Give us a call today for information on the closing process in Nashville.

For Sale by Owner
Interested in selling your property without the assistance of a real estate agent? Look no further. At Rochford Law and Real Estate Title we will work with you through the process of being a for sale by owner.

In need of a deed? At Rochford Law and Real Estate Title we can provide you a new deed to remove, add, or change names on the title to your property. Give us a call today for information on the process.

Property Title Company
Having a title free and clear of liens is the first step to selling your property. Interested in seeing the state of you property’s title? Give us a call today for information on a title search. View Nashville Title Company.

- Spring Cleaning Your Estate Plan: What to Review Annuallyby (Rochford Law) on January 29, 2025 at 4:05 pm
As the season of renewal arrives, it’s time to turn your focus to more than just decluttering your home. Spring is the perfect time to review and refresh your estate plan to ensure it aligns with your current goals and circumstances. Regular updates to your estate plan are essential to avoid […]
- How Tennessee's State Laws Shape Your Estate Planby (Rochford Law) on January 29, 2025 at 3:59 pm
Tennessee's state laws play a pivotal role in shaping your estate plan, influencing everything from the validity of your will to the probate process. Understanding these laws is essential to ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes and to provide for your loved ones' future […]
- When and Why is it Necessary to Update Your Estate Plan?by (Rochford Law) on December 5, 2024 at 11:13 pm
Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial management, ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are provided for after your passing. However, creating an estate plan is not a one-time task; it requires regular updates to reflect changes in […]
Rochford Law & Real Estate Title is a Nashville Title Company dedicated to resolving matters of Real Estate Law. Since 1997, our professional Real Estate Attorney, John Rochford, has provided guidance, counsel, and direction to help you succeed.
Schedule a free, no-risk consultation with our team to find out whether or not you need legal representation. We’ll work to understand your needs and help you determine the best course of action. We’re committed to looking out for your best interests.